«TH_AIRPOST» is an “Aerial Post Office” utilized by the Minimum Press which was created by Takashi Hiraide in relationship with the postal system. The author writes, creates the layout, prints, formats and does the bookbinding by himself. The literary work that is created in this way is accessed through an intermediary post office located on the web and ultimately delivered to the individual mail boxes of readers worldwide.
There is a “Book” that is both a letter and an objet d’art or a “Poem” that is both a postcard and a greeting, and these create a unique one to one relationship, a bridge between the reader and the author. In the same way that various life forms exist in relationship with the environment while adapting their forms to others, the creation of the singular experience of the book unfolds.
The «AIRPOST POETRY» exhibit in Toronto in the autumn of 2016 is the first time that an overview of this experiment «FOR ONE FROM ONE» has been presented.

via wwalnuts
via wwalnuts_STORE.JP
private print postcard
private print postcard_STORE
crystal parcel

«TH_AIRPOST» は、平出隆が「郵便」システムとの関係でつくりあげたミニマム・プレスのための「空中郵便局」。web 上のこの中継局を介して、みずから書き、レイアウトし、印刷し、装幀し、製本したモノとしての作品が、世界中の読者の郵便受けに送り届けられる。
手紙でもありオブジェでもある「本」や、葉書でもあり挨拶でもある「詩」は、読者とのあいだに1対1の関係の橋を架ける。生命体が環境との関係を生きながら、他者に向けて自身の形を造り直すように、1 対1 の造本が展開される。
2016年秋のトロントでの «AIRPOST POETRY» 展は、その «FOR ONE FROM ONE» の試行の全貌を初めて紹介するものである。